Select Talks
- #EUDisinfo2024: Can advertising cash stop funding misinformation trash?
- DRAPAC 2024: How is social media monetization fueling disinformation in Asia? And what can we do about it?
- POINT 2024: Pulling the plug on monetizing disinformation
- EU Disinfo Lab Webinar: From content to payment: the rise and implications of social media ad revenue sharing
- Disinfo and elections in the Global Majority: Building Transnational Solidarities in the Disinfo and Democracy Space
- Disinfo and elections in the Global Majority: Matching Interventions to Disinformers
- UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia Pacific - Confronting Hate Speech and Disinformation: The role of advertising
- TSPA APAC Summit - Trust & Safety - a view from the Civil Society side
- The future of trust and safety: Where trust and safety is headed: A view from leadership
- RightsCon 2022: Content moderation in the Global South: a rock and hard place
- RightsCon 2022: Digital coups: challenges facing tech companies in illegitimate government takeovers